Tilly and The Wall interview, conducted by Roy Marmelstein and Rob Miles for Platforms Magazine

Tilly And The Wall make optimistic and happy indie tunes but unlike other bands, they have a tap dancer instead of a drummer. The result is empowering beats and music that practically forces people to dance. They are on Conor Oberst's label Team Love and their album Bottoms of Barrels has won them torrents of praise.

I spoke to Neely Jenkins, one of the bands three leading ladies, for a brief interview over the phone.

ROY: So, what's next for Tilly And The Wall?

NJ: We go home for two weeks, tonight at 4AM and start playing a United States tour, then in the middle of that we will be going to Iceland to play the Airwaves festival. Yeah, we're really excited about that.

ROY: Do you Is there an effect... mmm.. are visual arts affecting your music?

NJ: Yeah, everyone is an artist in our band and I guess even some of the songs were written about y'know artist and their work too.

ROY: Do you do your own artwork?

NJ: Most of it, yeah. We all designed like buttons and things on the side and but Dark does, both of the CDs he's finished, our t-shirts, our tote bags and stuff like that.

ROY: You have a new music video where you asked people to send in videos of themselves singing along, is that coming out soon?

NJ: "Rainbows in the dark", yeah it should be out pretty soon. We just released the single over here and it should be out pretty soon. It's really cute.

ROY: Who's your favourite Beatle?

NJ: John.

ROY: Why?

NJ: I don't know. I feel, like, his music after The Beatles, it means so much to me, every time I hear it, I hear it a different way.

ROY: Tell us a joke.

NJ: Ok... could it be perverted?

ROY: Yes. not too perverted though.

NJ: So those two hookers are hanging around on the street smoking a cigarette and the police drag by and they run into the shadows to run from them and the one says to the other hooker, "have you ever been picked up by the fuzz before?" and the other one says "no, but i've been swung by my tits".

ROY: What are you reading right now?

NJ: I just started to read this book, "Sputnik Sweetheart"

ROY: What's it about?

NJ: I just literally started it. I know it's about this woman and I think maybe her love life?

ROY: What do you think of MySpace and it's influence on the world of music?

NJ: It's a great way to learn about new bands. Whenever we hear about something or when our booking agent goes "hey, what about this band? do you wanna play with them?" so we listen to it... It's awesome. It's a great way to learn about new bands.

ROY: What band are you excited about at the moment?

NJ: This band called CSS [Cansei de Ser Sexy[ , they're from Brazil. We met them while playing some festivals over here and they're amazing. As a band and as people, they're so great.