Robert Miles

Dear sir,

It falls upon me to write you. Following letter is this realisation. I trust you are in standard health at this time as am I. I trust you are in standard health at this time as are we all when asked, no need to be honest and provoke further conversation now is there.

And so to the matter in hand. It falls upon me to write you. And so I do, in greatest earnest, most greatest earnest. It has been discussed this end your membership, your membership has come into question somewhat, after your 40th year of gracing our halls so gracefully. Your question initiates a membership of 40 odd year an we (this end) have called into dispersal even about that matter. One cannot presume to continue in this manner. One (maybe two) cannot presume inasmuch as we hold your contract in readiness that there is reason not to elevate your position within our halls (which you have graced so gracefully this past 40) to that of a higher authority.


But let that not distract from the congratulations that are fittingly bestowed upon your standard health. Let that not keep us back from the matter in hand which concerns your elevated membership and renewed contract and higher authority and home made kitchen appliances. These are the parcel currently in the safe hands of the royal mail that before long will be safely delivered to your door in the safe hands of the royal mail. We are in faith with these kitchen appliances (as a token of our congratulations) will safely reach you. This parcel will contain kitchen appliances lovingly home made o fit you in your new home where I hope you will settle in well, and soontobedelivered humble gift will be put to rewarding use. Congratulations after congratulations. We are so excited to watch you so elegantly grace our halls in your new elevated position as I’m sure you are as well. As well as this we have agreed to a framed portrait of your good self suitably to be taken from our wall and burned.

In disgust

Once committee 3/8 and a nother.


Dear ashtray

It becomes increasingly apparent that lies are abundant at this time and at other times. We find ourselves in a state of living where not only is truth denied, but in fact completely unrecognised and even non-existent in most people’s eyes. One finds oneself offered so many answers all of which contradict and all of which claim to be the one true way, the infallible, the obvious. I hesitate to delve into listing the examples of such as this would be unnecessary in solving anything. However, solving this is not the main objective here. The objective is merely observation. Lies, as previously stated, are ever present and underlie our very way of thinking, and social upbringing. Our decisions and choices are by no means of our own invention but merely the lies working through us. The way we phrase our sentences and the way in which we interact and talk is no more than a taught, a system, a previous.

I understand we need to talk more.
May this letter reach you in fine condition.

In despair

An untaught

p.s. we must do tea sometime soon.


Dear No.6

Thank you for your letter of 26th Jan. Sorry I am so late in reply. I agree with your suggestion of undertaking the project presented by the Westens-Cliff group and expanding the budget to incorporate our new plans for the year ahead. Below is a list of words I hope you will find useful and pass on to other representatives in your offices;

3/8 open
And cake

I hope you will find these useful and pass on to other representatives in your offices.

In anticipation,

Mr Question

p.s. do not think you will get off lightly, we have your files and sufficient CCTV footage to get us through a rainy evening in. No.s 3 & 17 both agree with us that something needs to be done. Further action will be taken.


My darling.

Where is it that you find yourself this night when not by my side? With whom do you find company? Where is your violin and why are the top two strings broken? Do you feel like those on my radio, and do you comfort yourself with coffee or stones?
Will you be here on Thursday?

Please let me know.


Photos overkill